Support Section

Each item’s page includes a Support section where you’ll find information on the support provided by the author. This section indicates if the item is supported and includes important details, such as the type of assistance offered and how to reach the author. Authors can customize this section with their own support instructions, links, and additional details specific to their item.

To view support information for an item:

  1. Click the “Support” tab located under the item’s title.
  2. Follow the instructions provided in the Support section to contact the author directly.


Comments Section
You can leave a comment here to communicate directly with the author or check through existing comments to see if your question has already been answered. All comments are public and visible to everyone.

To post a comment:

  1. Sign in (or create an account) on CodesJungle.
  2. Go to the item’s page and click on the "Comments" tab.
  3. Scroll down, type your comment, and click ‘Post Comment.’

Author Profile
Many authors provide a contact form on their CodesJungle profile, which allows you to email them directly.

To send an email:

  1. Sign in (or create an account) on CodesJungle.
  2. From the item page, click on the author’s name or logo.
  3. Scroll down to the message form, type your message, and click ‘Send.’
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